Thursday, January 20, 2011

Current Obsessions

Here is a short list of the top five things that I am currently obsessed with
1. As of late, I have become obsessed with South Korean pop music, particularly SHINee and f(x). This is slightly strange considering I know absolutely no Korean yet still attempt to sing along to the songs. What makes these songs even better is they usually add in a little English, which just seems to be worked in mid-sentence, but is just great. My favorite is when SHINee just starts chanting "fantastic" and "elastic" during RingDingDong. F(x) comes in a close second with somewhat more explainable English rapping in Nu Abo.

2. Sutter Home White Zinfandel. Sure it is super cheap, but it taste really good.

3. My Blackberry Curve. I never thought that I would be one of those people, but I am starting to wonder how I functioned without it. On Saturday I went into downtown LA and needed to find a bank, it also lead me back to Union Station when I missed my bus.

4. Fabric. I love fabric. The feel of it, the possibilities that it holds is just so magical. So I need to get to working on my different projects, but for right now, I am content with just wrapping myself up in it

5. And finally, Doctor Who? British TV shows are just so much better than American ones.

1 comment:

  1. here are some of my favorite k-pop songs that ive come across recently

    now you just need to get into south korean film, because they are making the best movies coming out right now that I'm aware of
