Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It has been nearly a week and the laundry situation has not gotten any better. In fact it might be worst. I spent a little bit of the weekend cleaning, and then watch it get destroyed in an instant when my boyfriend walked through the door. A day of slightly hard work, but mostly willing the room to clean itself, down the drain. I tried to find the motivation to re-clean but instead I just curled up in a ball and snuggled. Even more frustrating is the fact that now it is cold. I can't help but find myself just wanting to curl up in some warm blankets with some hot chocolate and watching my life slowly pass me by. None of my projects are getting done. None of my rooms are getting any cleaner. None of the clutter is miraculously disappearing from tables. Instead I am creating more of a mess by trying to drink hot chocolate while laying down and spilling on myself. On the plus side, I now know that BBQ sauce, canned cheese, ground poke and mini squashes can be made into a delicious meal...thanks Chopped.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Life in Progress

This is what the master bathroom has looked like for the past year
Yes, it is usually that messy
I have come to terms with the realization that I am going to be living in a trailer for the next few years of my life. At first, a kind of old, a little run down and super outdated living space seemed to fit the lifestyle I was living. But then my mother came to visit and pointed out everything that I had been avoiding. Things weren't as clean as I seemed to think that they were, and nothing was organized. It is not ok to fear people coming over because you know that the rug that you have in your living room is disgusting. This prompted me to completely transform my house. Mind you, I have not cleaned but instead decided to rearrange, paint and remodel the rooms of my house. This has in fact left my house messier and more disorganized then when I started, but at least I feel it is slightly more modern...well at least the walls and back-splash in the bathroom look a little better. But somehow me trying to get more modern has turned into me forget to pay attention to the little things like laundry and dishes. At least my bathroom looks great though.

Here it is almost done!
Just needs to get cleaned...
I am keeping my fingers crossed that the absence of my boyfriend this weekend will leave me plenty of time to focus on cleaning up the ENTIRE house. That is unless I get distracted by something really important, life a great movie on SyFy or Lifetime. I can already tell that this will be yet another unproductive weekend.