After a long night of celebration, a day full of caffeine and far to much time left with my own thoughts, I have decided that it is time to really buckle down and come up with some good resolutions. For starters, I am going to participate in a 1/2 marathon, which will happen on the 6
th of February. Next, I am going to learn how to play the banjo, included in this is me somehow acquiring a banjo but I will figure that out when the time is right. Then I am going to join a gym and actually go for at least two months because right now they are having a sale at 24 hour fitness and I want to take some classes. Also I am going to learn how to cook. This is mostly because I figured that eating out as often as I do is costing me a fortune and if I am going to join a gym and buy a banjo, I am going to make some cutbacks and eating at home will save me at least a little. Finally, I am going to finish all of the projects that I have started this year and have found myself too lazy to finish. This includes but is not limited to: the dress that I am making, the slippers for my cousin and family friend, the half knitted shawl that is under my bed, all of the hats that I have started and then neglected, and the bathing suit that may evoke some unwanted feelings but still needs to be finished.
I would also like to become less jumpy at the shooting range...which is basically just added so I could share the pictures of my friends and I at a shooting range last Wednesday.
Tanya and Jessica all dressed up and ready to go

I thought that it would be a good idea to wear a skirt. How Annie Oakley of me.

This was my favorite picture of the day, with the fire coming out of the barrel
What about me???!! I want booties? My feet have been FREEZING!!!!