For some reason this is a game that my friends and myself have been playing a great deal lately. And while most of them mention men who the world deams a suitable choice of whom one would enjoy spending a night of passion with, mine does not. For some reason I am always the first to respond and my answer is always Jonathan Goldstein. Out of all the people in world, I choose a 41-year-old Canadian Jew with a high pitched monotone voice who hosts the radio program WireTap. I cannot help but find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with the stories he tells. There is so much love in the way that he describes relationship between Mary and Joseph. Or the short trying to describe love without saying the word love. I would also like to point out that the music that is used in background is amazing! Because of this love for his writing and storytelling, I have found my crush moving from these writings and to the person writing them. It is bad. I find myself falling asleep to his voice most nights (I am not sure if this is a complement or an insult)
What I can't figure out is if I would actually "do" Jonathan Goldstein or just force him to talk to me for a night. Because my mother might read this and I work at a University that asked me to agree to their moral code of conduct which explicitly states that I do not agree with pre-marital sexual relationships, let me say that instead of "do" it is more "who would you like to spend an extended period of time with having completely appropriate conversation over coffee, in public and there would be no touching."
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