Stories from a girl who left California searching for adventure and landed in Wyoming, who hates to clean and loves to sit on her ass.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Day After Christmas
It is the day after Christmas, and I am finally back in Grover Beach! I feel like it has taken me forever to get here. After a wonderful time with family for Christmas Eve and day (despite the fact that I made my mom cry, but it wouldn't be a holiday if I didn't) I somehow managed to shut my phone in my car door making it inoperable. So I had to go get a replacement because my parents don't trust my car to get from LA to GB, which is fun...My mom and I walked out of the Verizon store with matching Blackberrys, car chargers and I got a protective case in the hopes that I will not lose another phone to the car door. But on the plus side, I am now credit card dept free! And have a really cute cat at home who seems to really want to spend time with me, or she wants to continue sticking me paw in my tomato of the two.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Moth
This is a photo I took from our seat! It was an amazing view!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Whatever Doesn't Kill Me...
I decided that it would be a really great idea to go for a run during my lunch break today since I didn't think that I would be able to find the time to work it in later. While it seemed like a great idea at the time, I forgot to figure in that I am still not feeling 100%. My throat decided to get really angry and just close on me a couple of times, which was fun. I would be running around just fine and then BAM, I could no longer breath. So I would cough up some flem and keep going. It, and by fun I mean horrible but that is done now. It is now time for me to sit at my desk, scan documents, enter id numbers and stare at a the plain camel colored wall in front of me. In an attempt to make my corner seem more inviting, I have started posting sticky-notes of motivational quotes.
Unfortunately the quotes have begun to get more and more strange, such as "whatever doesn't kill me, just hurts me eve more so...that's fine" and "words, can you swim without them?" And then they just get depressing, like "even though I'm happy you have finally found yourself, I miss the person we believed you were," and "too bad dark languages rarely survive..." So I sit in the corner staring at brightly colored post-its that should be motivating me but rather have more of an emotionally draining effect. But this is life for forty hours a week.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Who Would You Do?
For some reason this is a game that my friends and myself have been playing a great deal lately. And while most of them mention men who the world deams a suitable choice of whom one would enjoy spending a night of passion with, mine does not. For some reason I am always the first to respond and my answer is always Jonathan Goldstein. Out of all the people in world, I choose a 41-year-old Canadian Jew with a high pitched monotone voice who hosts the radio program WireTap. I cannot help but find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with the stories he tells. There is so much love in the way that he describes relationship between Mary and Joseph. Or the short trying to describe love without saying the word love. I would also like to point out that the music that is used in background is amazing! Because of this love for his writing and storytelling, I have found my crush moving from these writings and to the person writing them. It is bad. I find myself falling asleep to his voice most nights (I am not sure if this is a complement or an insult)
What I can't figure out is if I would actually "do" Jonathan Goldstein or just force him to talk to me for a night. Because my mother might read this and I work at a University that asked me to agree to their moral code of conduct which explicitly states that I do not agree with pre-marital sexual relationships, let me say that instead of "do" it is more "who would you like to spend an extended period of time with having completely appropriate conversation over coffee, in public and there would be no touching."
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Day 3
I am now into day three of flu. I was able to make it into work for a couple of hours this morning, but had to come home a little after the half way point. On the drive home, I tried to make a list of things that I could do so that I would not feel like such a loser. I was going to put on my stretchy pants, work on the leg warmers I am knitting, fold my laundry, shower, clean my room, call my mom (actually this one was added later when I realize that being sick is no fun when your mom is not here to take care of you), and maybe watch some horrible daytime TV. I only got to put on the stretchy pants and then crashed on the couch...for four hours. This has pretty much been my life, wake up, attempt to go to work, maybe make it there for a few hours, come home, put on stretchy pants, attempt to do something to make myself not feel like a loser, give up and take a nap. I drew a picture to illustrate my tough decision as to whether I should take a nap or knit. I chose nap by the way. Also I am well aware that the Zs are all backwards, I actually had to take a picture of the picture I drew so that messed everything up

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Theraflu and Maury
I am sick and left me tell you, it is not a good as I thought it would be. I thought that it would be a good time to catch up on laundry and get some knitting done. But instead I just want to stay in bed all day. Yesterday I went to work, stayed their for about an hour and a half before heading home, crawling into bed and staying there until 6 o'clock when I headed out for some medicine, and then got back in bed. Today I have felt quite a bit better, but I am still burning up! So far the only positives of this sickness has been the Theraflu and Maury, which makes me feel both satisfied and classy.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mary Kate and Ashley
Despite the fact that I am now 22, living on my own, and have a college degree, I can't seem to ween myself off of horrible Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movies. While working today, I got the sudden and undeniable urge to watch Billboard Dad. Though it is a horrible movie, I could not stop myself from spending 90 mins watching this MK & A classic. One positive that came from all this is I am no longer considering the possibility of wear overalls
Thursday, November 4, 2010
You and I
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
So lets face facts: I can stand to lose a few pounds...and by a few I mean about 20. So I want to do this in a way that I feel good about. I have started running almost daily (7 miles on Saturday what, WHAT!) but my eating habits are still on the shit side. So I am going to give up meat yet again, but this time I am going to try my best to avoid noodles and large quantities of bread. Since the last time I went veg consisted of pasta or pizza for every meal, I have concluded that things must change. I spent the majority of the morning looking up vegetarian food blogs in order to inspire myself to follow a healthier way of eating. So tonight, if I find a ride to the grocery store, I am going to make Indian style cabbage. Yum...hopefully
Monday, October 18, 2010
Shoes...but not the cute kind
So I finaly went to A Snail's Pace to get some good shoes for running. I found out that when I run, I severily overpronate. This means that I roll my foot too much when I run which causes my arch to cave in. Overpronating leads to plantar fasciitis, Shin Splints, Knee Pain and blisters. Because I overpronate so much, according to the girl who was helping me, I know own a pair of running shoes that have as much support as a grandmothers orthopidics,at least they come in silver and purple. But it urns out that I really like running and I look forward to it every day so buying my horribly ugly and huge(size 10) shoes so that I can finally run without pain!

So the first day out in them was a little painful, but I am hoping that they get better once my feet start to get used to them. It is a three mile run tonight which is not too bad so hopefully my feet will make it!
So the first day out in them was a little painful, but I am hoping that they get better once my feet start to get used to them. It is a three mile run tonight which is not too bad so hopefully my feet will make it!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
A number of years back, my aunt bought my mother this beautiful William Morris silk scarf from the Met for her birthday and I instantly fell in love. I was in possession of this scarf for a couple of months but have recently become aware of its disappearance which happens to be around the time that my sister came to visit. Well I figured it was finally time for me to invest in my own scarf but did not want to fork out the $60 that the Met charges, so I went to ebay and found it! I still payed too much for it, but at least it was less than i would have paid...and it is so perfect!

This was going to be my big purchase of my 2nd half of September paycheck until I remembered that I had already bought some Enzo Angiolini booties!

I kind of love being a grown up who has money. To bad this is all going to end soon
This was going to be my big purchase of my 2nd half of September paycheck until I remembered that I had already bought some Enzo Angiolini booties!
I kind of love being a grown up who has money. To bad this is all going to end soon
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Run
So lets face it, I am not a skinny girl, so than why did I think it would be a good idea to begin training for the Surf City Marathon? Well honestly, I have no idea other than I really want the medal and a nice pair of running pants (preferably Lu Lu Lemon). So here I am, with sore legs from running 6 miles yesterday and terrified about the next 6 tomorrow. But on the bright side I will be at the Pasadena flea market on Sunday with my wonderful mother and possibly my beautiful sister! I need some cute vintage clothes.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
So I have decided that it is time for a change. Lets face it, we could all use a little change in our lives and I am at a point right now where I feel like I could use a lot.
The first thing that I choose to do was to start running. This seemed like a good idea when I started but I can't help but now have second thoughts. When I first started my 10K training, I did not really consider that I am about 40 lbs overweight and can barely go two miles without stopping. But somehow in about six weeks, I should be able to run a 10K nonstop, if everything goes according to plan. I also failed to realize that working out leads to me getting sweaty which would logically point towards the need of a shower. Unfortunately, I am not a huge fan of the "bath daily" idea or showering at 6:00 at night when I finish working out. This has been a grand struggle for be between what I know I should do (bathe myself) and what I want to do (collapse on the couch and knit).
This is a link to the page with my workout routine., classy I know
Other things that I would like to do: clean my room and my car. I feel as though I have a slight excuse for the messiness of my room right now considering I have just moved in, starting a new job and workout, but it is starting to get to me. I am also not too thrilled about the white walls which feel as though they are starting to close in on me. In an ideal world, this is what my room would look like
Finally, I want to get some new clothes. This means that I need money though and, considering the state of my refrigerator, my next paycheck will need to be used on more practical items msthan a new pair of shoes
The first thing that I choose to do was to start running. This seemed like a good idea when I started but I can't help but now have second thoughts. When I first started my 10K training, I did not really consider that I am about 40 lbs overweight and can barely go two miles without stopping. But somehow in about six weeks, I should be able to run a 10K nonstop, if everything goes according to plan. I also failed to realize that working out leads to me getting sweaty which would logically point towards the need of a shower. Unfortunately, I am not a huge fan of the "bath daily" idea or showering at 6:00 at night when I finish working out. This has been a grand struggle for be between what I know I should do (bathe myself) and what I want to do (collapse on the couch and knit).
This is a link to the page with my workout routine., classy I know
Other things that I would like to do: clean my room and my car. I feel as though I have a slight excuse for the messiness of my room right now considering I have just moved in, starting a new job and workout, but it is starting to get to me. I am also not too thrilled about the white walls which feel as though they are starting to close in on me. In an ideal world, this is what my room would look like
Finally, I want to get some new clothes. This means that I need money though and, considering the state of my refrigerator, my next paycheck will need to be used on more practical items msthan a new pair of shoes
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
So in the next five days I will:
1. End my current job
2. Graduate from college
3. Move into a new apartment
4. Start a new job
This is going to be the absolute craziest next week of my life. At least I will have a great deal of help from my friends and family!
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