Monday, August 19, 2013


The last couple of months have been difficult. Becoming an adult was not as exciting as I thought that it would be. At first I thought that it would be great to have my own place and decorate it just the way I wanted. And it would always be so beautiful and clean. This has not ended up to be the case. As it turns out, acquiring all the things that I would like actually cost a great deal of money...a lot of money that I don't have. Also once I think I have a room going the way I would like it, I remember that the carpet in my house is blue and goes with nothing, so that is fun. And every room in my house needs painted because lavender and pinkish-beige are not really colors that I enjoy looking at every second of my life. Such upgrades as painting ended up costing a great deal more then I would have ever thought (I thought that a gallon of paint costed a lot closer to $10).
The other thing that never occurred to me is that there is a very good chance that the person that I am with will hate cleaning as much as I do. This means that dishes, vacuuming and laundry tend to pile up a lot quicker since there are now two people who refuse to clean. And twice as much stuff to clean. Despite my best intentions, I can never seem to be able to keep a clean house...and even when I think that it is clean, it still looks like shit. So basically what I am saying is that I am a slob.
As far as fat goes, I just love food and find myself have a horribly unhealthy relationship with anything edible. If people eat it, I will try it, and probably way more than I need as well. I actually gained weight on WW because I would lie about the things that I eat in order to have lower points...and then got angry because I didn't lose anything. Also ice cream is AMAZING and I love it.
I was going to write lazy in the title as well but that is one category that I don't think that I fall into. While I do watch a lot of T.V. I still try and do as many things as possible. I enjoy running and being outdoors. I love to do crafts, which might explain why my house is way to cluttered...