Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So I have decided that it is time for a change. Lets face it, we could all use a little change in our lives and I am at a point right now where I feel like I could use a lot.
The first thing that I choose to do was to start running. This seemed like a good idea when I started but I can't help but now have second thoughts. When I first started my 10K training, I did not really consider that I am about 40 lbs overweight and can barely go two miles without stopping. But somehow in about six weeks, I should be able to run a 10K nonstop, if everything goes according to plan. I also failed to realize that working out leads to me getting sweaty which would logically point towards the need of a shower. Unfortunately, I am not a huge fan of the "bath daily" idea or showering at 6:00 at night when I finish working out. This has been a grand struggle for be between what I know I should do (bathe myself) and what I want to do (collapse on the couch and knit).

This is a link to the page with my workout routine., classy I know

Other things that I would like to do: clean my room and my car. I feel as though I have a slight excuse for the messiness of my room right now considering I have just moved in, starting a new job and workout, but it is starting to get to me. I am also not too thrilled about the white walls which feel as though they are starting to close in on me. In an ideal world, this is what my room would look like

Finally, I want to get some new clothes. This means that I need money though and, considering the state of my refrigerator, my next paycheck will need to be used on more practical items msthan a new pair of shoes